Stem cells are the prodigious option in the current medical practice as they are applied in the management and treatment of several complicated illnesses. In Malaysia, the ongoing use of Stem cell treatment is horning more unique approaches to the advancement of improved health care solutions especially in tackling inconceivable illnesses which traditional forms of medication do not cater for.
Stem cells are a type of cells that possess the characteristic of pluripotency, that is being able to form several different cell types of an organism. This characteristic makes them advantageous in regenerative medicine since they have the potential to fix or replace damaged tissues or organs. Stem cell therapy is currently used in Malaysia for various specialities including orthopaedic, neurological, and cardiovascular disorders as well as arthritis or heart disease, which have given needy patients a second chance at forgetting their illnesses.
StemCellCure is a company staffed with the most experienced team and offers the most extensive list of available stem cell treatment solutions.At StemCellCure, we focus on delivering only the best in stem cell treatment in Malaysia that would fit the conditions of different individuals. Our advanced technology services and our team of highly skilled physicians guarantee that individual patients’ needs are being addressed to the best possible calibre. Whether you are experiencing discomfort or pain in joints, irritated or damaged nerves, or exploring possible regenerative strategies for chronic diseases, StemCellCure delivers a scope of addressed therapies to improve your health and existence.
"Stem Cell Cure (P) Ltd." deals in the following servies:-
General Medical/Surgical Treatment | Stem Cell Treatment for Degenerative Diseases |
Bariatric surgery | Neuro-Applications 1. Brain Stroke/Injury |
Cardiology | 2. Spinal Cord Injury |
Cardiothoracic surgery | 3. Spinal Fusion |
Colorectal surgery | 4. Autism |
Drug and alcohol services | 5. Cerebral Palsy |
Ear, nose & throat (ENT) | 6. Motor Neuron Disease(ALS, PBP) |
Gastroenterology | 7. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) |
General surgery | Ortho- Applications 1. Knee Cartilage Defect or arthritis |
Gynaecology | 2. Hip Avascular Necrosis/Osteonecrosis |
Haematology | 3. Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Internal medicine | 4. Non-Union Fracture/Delayed Union |
Mental Health | Vascular Applications 1. Coronary Arterial Disease |
Neurology | 2. Peripheral Arterial Disease such as CLI |
Neurosurgery | 3. Diabetic Foot ulcer/Gangrene |
Obstetrics, gynaecology and IVF | Eye related Application 1. Optic Nerve Damage |
Oncology / cancer | 2. Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Oral and Maxillo surgery | 3. Macular Degeneration |
Orthopaedic (Knee/Hip) surgery | Other Applications 1. Diabetes |
Paediatric surgery | 2. Acute/Chronic kidney disease |
Physicians | 3. Acute/Chronic Liver disease |
Plastic & reconstructive surgery | 4. Acute/Chronic Lung disease |
Rehabilitation | 5. Muscular Dystrophy as DMD & SMA |
Renal | 6. Myocardial Infarction (MI) |
Respiratory medicine | 7. Hair Regeneration |
Urology | 8. Blood related cancer treatment |
Vascular surgery | 9. Anti-aging |
Dentisity |