Macular Degenration
Macular Degeneration or Age-related Macular Degenerations is an optic condition attributable to deterioration of the central area in retinal tissue called ‘Macula’. The macula in the eye controls the visual acuity and its health is directly proportional to the human ability to perform visual tasks that require the human eye to see precise details like recognizing faces, driving, reading, using a phone or computer, etc.
Macular Degeneration or Age-related macular degeneration to the human eye is a deterioration of the Macula causing a relatively slow and painless but continuous loss of vision over a course of several years. Although macular degeneration is rarely a blinding condition, it could be the source of significant visual disability. Early signs of vision loss from AMD include shadowy areas in your central vision or unusually fuzzy or distorted vision.
Macular degeneration usually is an age-related condition; however, it sometimes is associated with a genetic imbalance. Researches have confirmed there’s an association between Age-related macular degeneration and the presence of a certain variant of a gene referred to as complement factor F or CFH. Apart from CFH, there’s CFB that was found to be involved in the degeneration of the macula.
For Macular Degeneration as far as the conventional treatment methods are considered, there’s no possible cure for Age-related Macular Degeneration. One could however look forward to certain methods of slowing down the progression of AMD, stem cell treatment is one of them. The method includes the injection of certain anti-VEGF or Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor medication that restricts the growth of new blood vessels by ensuring the optimum supply of oxygen and restricting the formation of oxygen-deprived cells.
Apart from age, various factors can significantly increase the risk of Macular Degeneration, these factors include:
No conventional treatment can restore the vision whilst the condition of macular degeneration in the human eye. There may be a few answers when it comes to slow down the continuous progression of degeneration of Macula but none of them appears to be helping in restoring the vision. Stem Cells on the other hand are potentially able to replace the damaged cells deprived of oxygen and regenerate as the specialized cells resisting the formation of excess blood vessels and restoring the vision gradually. It doesn’t promise a 100% result but Stem Cell Treatment for Macular Degeneration is fairly effective when compared to conventional methods of treatment. The experts globally believe that currently, Stem Cell Therapy is the most promising method of regenerating the damaged cells and the RPE layer that helps in resisting the continuous damage and restoring the vision. Stem Cell Therapy for Macular degeneration is the best chance for a patient to get the blurring vision restored.
At Stem Cell Cure India, we have the best doctors and medical support staff to execute the process of stem cell therapy. With surgical precision, various stem cells are infused into the defective hotspot in the patients’ bodies. Through the method of Retrobulbar Administration, stem cells are infused directly in the retina ensuring the containment of degenerating macula. You’ll find the best available methods at Stem Cell Cure India with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment promising the best for the patient. The fully equipped facility ensures the execution of Stem Cell Therapy for Macular Degeneration and provides that one hope for the patient to restore the vision or restrict the progression of vision loss.