Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis Pigmentosa is a term given to a specific group of disorders leading to progressive peripheral vision loss and difficulties in night vision. Retinitis Pigmentosa can cause severe damage to photoreceptor cells and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and it can occur by molecular defects in more than 40 different genes.RP can be passed on by all types of inheritance: approximately 20% of RP is autosomal dominant (ADRP), 20% is autosomal recessive (ARRP), and 10% is X linked (XLRP), and the other 50% of patients do not have any known relative or family member affected with RP or similar condition.
A large number of people these days are suffering from genetic or non-genetic eye disorders and few of these conditions are considered to be conventionally incurable. Stem Cell therapy is suggested to be a widely implemented and effective treatment for most of these conditions to eradicate progressive decay and restoring the vision. People suffering from various disorders have found hope with Stem Cell Therapy because it eliminates the cause of damage. Retinitis Pigmentosa is one such condition that needs to be treated before it becomes a threat to the human vision. Considering the abnormality of this disease and the frequency of cases in India, Stem Cell Cure India has made sure the availability of Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment in India.
Currently no definitive treatment for retinitis pigmentosa exists because it is a progressive disease that damage photoreceptors cells (rods and cones) or the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) of the retina. Scientifically proved that stem cell transplantation via "retrobulbar and intravitreous" may prevent further loss of photoreceptor cells and retinal pigment epithelial cells (RPE) and can regenerate photoreceptor cells and RPE cells (Smith et al. 2004).
Stem cell transplantation for "retinitis pigmentosa" treatment provides some major advantages are as follow:-
Retinitis Pigmentosa is a term generally used for a genetic eye disorder that leads to the distortion of visual acuity or even vision loss at the end. A very common symptom in this condition is the loss of night vision first and then a gradual decline in day vision as well.
It could be otherwise incurable but Stem Cell Cure India is ensuring the availability of Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment in India. It is now suggested that Stem Cell Therapy for Retinitis Pigmentosa Disease is highly effective and safe. Our professional ophthalmologist at Stem Cell Cure India can detect any of your eye problems including retinitis pigmentosa by examining your eyes and you’ll be advised and offered the most effective Stem Cell treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Our medical experts say that retinitis pigmentosa is more likely to pass from a parent to his/her child and the symptoms are fairly visible from childhood in some cases while it appears to be affecting the eye at comparatively old age in others. Not just the stem cell treatment, you’ll be informed precisely about your condition and will be advised of the best treatment to eliminate it.