Cerebral palsy is a medical condition that results from a brain injury that can take place before, during, or shortly after birth and affects the control of movement, muscle tone and posture. New technological inventions in the medical field like stem cell therapy are adopted for cerebral palsy treatment in Dubai to boost patient and family expectations and uplift the standard of the health care system.
Cerebral palsy is a general term that describes a situation where a person has some problem affecting their muscles and nerves since they did not develop properly in the brain. Stem cells have been considered a promising strategy for handling the issue because they address the root of the problem by acting on the neurons. Stem cells work to produce and replace damaged brain cells, decreasing inflammation and repairing neural pathways. These may enhance muscle coordination, motor function, flexibility and everyday life experience of those with CP.
Stem cells could perhaps contribute to increasing neuroplasticity and thus stimulate brain repair mechanisms, positively impact motor function, decrease the severity of muscle stiffness, and boost cognitive functioning. Further, stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy is relatively less invasive and has been offered as an adjuvant therapy that can greatly improve treatment efficacy.
We are an international clinic in Dubai known as Stem Cell Cure and we provide highly technical cerebral palsy treatment in Dubai and other neurological disorders. Our clinic is fully equipped with the best facilities while embracing experienced practitioners who ensure patients receive individualized attention and successfully empowered treatments. Schedule a consultation with us today, to know how stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy can help you or your dear one to treat cerebral palsy.
"Stem Cell Cure (P) Ltd." deals in the following servies:-
General Medical/Surgical Treatment | Stem Cell Treatment for Degenerative Diseases |
Bariatric surgery | Neuro-Applications 1. Brain Stroke/Injury |
Cardiology | 2. Spinal Cord Injury |
Cardiothoracic surgery | 3. Spinal Fusion |
Colorectal surgery | 4. Autism |
Drug and alcohol services | 5. Cerebral Palsy |
Ear, nose & throat (ENT) | 6. Motor Neuron Disease(ALS, PBP) |
Gastroenterology | 7. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) |
General surgery | Ortho- Applications 1. Knee Cartilage Defect or arthritis |
Gynaecology | 2. Hip Avascular Necrosis/Osteonecrosis |
Haematology | 3. Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Internal medicine | 4. Non-Union Fracture/Delayed Union |
Mental Health | Vascular Applications 1. Coronary Arterial Disease |
Neurology | 2. Peripheral Arterial Disease such as CLI |
Neurosurgery | 3. Diabetic Foot ulcer/Gangrene |
Obstetrics, gynaecology and IVF | Eye related Application 1. Optic Nerve Damage |
Oncology / cancer | 2. Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Oral and Maxillo surgery | 3. Macular Degeneration |
Orthopaedic (Knee/Hip) surgery | Other Applications 1. Diabetes |
Paediatric surgery | 2. Acute/Chronic kidney disease |
Physicians | 3. Acute/Chronic Liver disease |
Plastic & reconstructive surgery | 4. Acute/Chronic Lung disease |
Rehabilitation | 5. Muscular Dystrophy as DMD & SMA |
Renal | 6. Myocardial Infarction (MI) |
Respiratory medicine | 7. Hair Regeneration |
Urology | 8. Blood related cancer treatment |
Vascular surgery | 9. Anti-aging |
Dentisity |