Optic nerve injury is a condition that occurs due to a number of factors such as trauma, glaucoma, optic neuritis, and vascular diseases. Damage to the optic nerve is highly challenging since it degrades a person’s ability to produce clear vision and life functionality. Some of the signs include difficulty in seeing objects, particularly if they are located towards the side or top or bottom of the visual field blindness if the condition has progressed to an advanced level, a situation where an individual lacks vision in that particular eye.
Stem cell therapy for Optic Nerve Damage is an application of advanced regenerative medicine that requires careful manipulation to provide the desired benefits. Cell-replacement therapy by optic nerve stem cells presents immature therapeutic modalities of optic nerve damage due to its ability to treat the root of the problem by repairing the damages incurred in nerve cells. Stem cells possess the ability to transform into specific types of cells such as optic nerve cells and also emit some factors that help in nerve cell growth and aid in the healing of injured parts.
StemCellCure uses stem cell treatment for Optic Nerve Damage. Patients undergo stem cell therapy where the stem cells are administered to the patients through injections or through intravenous therapies with the objective of improving the functionality of the optic nerves as well as the general health of the patient’s eyes.StemCellCure has positioned itself as one of the leading firms offering customers the latest revolutionary stem cell Optic Nerve Damage Treatment in Malaysia.
"Stem Cell Cure (P) Ltd." deals in the following servies:-
General Medical/Surgical Treatment | Stem Cell Treatment for Degenerative Diseases |
Bariatric surgery | Neuro-Applications 1. Brain Stroke/Injury |
Cardiology | 2. Spinal Cord Injury |
Cardiothoracic surgery | 3. Spinal Fusion |
Colorectal surgery | 4. Autism |
Drug and alcohol services | 5. Cerebral Palsy |
Ear, nose & throat (ENT) | 6. Motor Neuron Disease(ALS, PBP) |
Gastroenterology | 7. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) |
General surgery | Ortho- Applications 1. Knee Cartilage Defect or arthritis |
Gynaecology | 2. Hip Avascular Necrosis/Osteonecrosis |
Haematology | 3. Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Internal medicine | 4. Non-Union Fracture/Delayed Union |
Mental Health | Vascular Applications 1. Coronary Arterial Disease |
Neurology | 2. Peripheral Arterial Disease such as CLI |
Neurosurgery | 3. Diabetic Foot ulcer/Gangrene |
Obstetrics, gynaecology and IVF | Eye related Application 1. Optic Nerve Damage |
Oncology / cancer | 2. Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Oral and Maxillo surgery | 3. Macular Degeneration |
Orthopaedic (Knee/Hip) surgery | Other Applications 1. Diabetes |
Paediatric surgery | 2. Acute/Chronic kidney disease |
Physicians | 3. Acute/Chronic Liver disease |
Plastic & reconstructive surgery | 4. Acute/Chronic Lung disease |
Rehabilitation | 5. Muscular Dystrophy as DMD & SMA |
Renal | 6. Myocardial Infarction (MI) |
Respiratory medicine | 7. Hair Regeneration |
Urology | 8. Blood related cancer treatment |
Vascular surgery | 9. Anti-aging |
Dentisity |