Cerebral palsy implies certain substantial difficulties for an individual due to the disorders of coordination and motor function. Using stem cell therapy for Cerebral Palsy has the potential to improve the possibility of mobility and other functions in patients diagnosed with CP.
Stem cells seem to have good potential in CP treatment especially MSCs due to their ability to open neural protection, decrease inflammation and enhance the healing of the affected part of the brain. Given as intravenous or intrathecal injections, these cells can get to the areas of the brain that need them and can help in improving motor function, decreasing the likelihood of spasticity and increasing mobility. Stem cell treatment for Cerebral Palsy and transplantation have been used to treat CP because they help correct neurological deficits inherent to CP, thus, enhancing levels of independence as well as the patients’ quality of life.
StemCellCure organization focuses on stem cell treatments for cerebral palsy in Yemen. The combination of medical innovation with the human touch creates a competitive advantage, which encompasses long-term individualized treatment strategies and concepts for patients. Concerning the medical standards and safety issues, it should be pointed out that we adapt only approved medical practices and cooperate with the best specialists to gain the best results. We at StemCellCure are focused on the continual improvement of Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Yemen through research at our facility. Through the assistance of stem cell therapies, people with cerebral palsy in Yemen shall receive new hope and enhanced functionalities in their lifestyles.
"Stem Cell Cure (P) Ltd." deals in the following servies:-
General Medical/Surgical Treatment | Stem Cell Treatment for Degenerative Diseases |
Bariatric surgery | Neuro-Applications 1. Brain Stroke/Injury |
Cardiology | 2. Spinal Cord Injury |
Cardiothoracic surgery | 3. Spinal Fusion |
Colorectal surgery | 4. Autism |
Drug and alcohol services | 5. Cerebral Palsy |
Ear, nose & throat (ENT) | 6. Motor Neuron Disease(ALS, PBP) |
Gastroenterology | 7. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) |
General surgery | Ortho- Applications 1. Knee Cartilage Defect or arthritis |
Gynaecology | 2. Hip Avascular Necrosis/Osteonecrosis |
Haematology | 3. Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Internal medicine | 4. Non-Union Fracture/Delayed Union |
Mental Health | Vascular Applications 1. Coronary Arterial Disease |
Neurology | 2. Peripheral Arterial Disease such as CLI |
Neurosurgery | 3. Diabetic Foot ulcer/Gangrene |
Obstetrics, gynaecology and IVF | Eye related Application 1. Optic Nerve Damage |
Oncology / cancer | 2. Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Oral and Maxillo surgery | 3. Macular Degeneration |
Orthopaedic (Knee/Hip) surgery | Other Applications 1. Diabetes |
Paediatric surgery | 2. Acute/Chronic kidney disease |
Physicians | 3. Acute/Chronic Liver disease |
Plastic & reconstructive surgery | 4. Acute/Chronic Lung disease |
Rehabilitation | 5. Muscular Dystrophy as DMD & SMA |
Renal | 6. Myocardial Infarction (MI) |
Respiratory medicine | 7. Hair Regeneration |
Urology | 8. Blood related cancer treatment |
Vascular surgery | 9. Anti-aging |
Dentisity |