To treat cerebral palsy, the patients should receive a more individualized approach with a combination of conventional treatments and novel strategies. Currently in Australia, cerebral palsy has numerous treatment procedures, which can improve mobility, independence, and the general well-being of the affected person and his or her family.
Stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy helps in the management of cerebral palsy as there are apparent advantages of stem cells in neural repair and restoration of functional capabilities. This new stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy aims at collecting stem cells from the patient’s own body which are normally taken from fats or bone marrow. Such cells are then treated and returned back to the human body, particularly to the parts of the brain or spinal cord that were infected. The curative objective is based on the ability to encourage the regeneration of the destroyed tissues, decrease the level of inflammation, and improve the motor capabilities and cognitive performance of a patient diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
At StemCellCure, we are dedicated to offering innovative Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Australia. At our clinic, we develop an individuality tailored treatment plan for each patient. The caring and professional staff of therapists consists of occupational, physical, and speech therapists who are committed to enhancing clients’ quality of life. Learn all about stem cell therapy here at StemCellCure. Feel free to give us a call to learn more about how our innovative treatments may help you or your loved one with cerebral palsy to enjoy a more independent life.
"Stem Cell Cure (P) Ltd." deals in the following servies:-
General Medical/Surgical Treatment | Stem Cell Treatment for Degenerative Diseases |
Bariatric surgery | Neuro-Applications 1. Brain Stroke/Injury |
Cardiology | 2. Spinal Cord Injury |
Cardiothoracic surgery | 3. Spinal Fusion |
Colorectal surgery | 4. Autism |
Drug and alcohol services | 5. Cerebral Palsy |
Ear, nose & throat (ENT) | 6. Motor Neuron Disease(ALS, PBP) |
Gastroenterology | 7. Multiple Sclerosis (MS) |
General surgery | Ortho- Applications 1. Knee Cartilage Defect or arthritis |
Gynaecology | 2. Hip Avascular Necrosis/Osteonecrosis |
Haematology | 3. Rheumatoid Arthritis |
Internal medicine | 4. Non-Union Fracture/Delayed Union |
Mental Health | Vascular Applications 1. Coronary Arterial Disease |
Neurology | 2. Peripheral Arterial Disease such as CLI |
Neurosurgery | 3. Diabetic Foot ulcer/Gangrene |
Obstetrics, gynaecology and IVF | Eye related Application 1. Optic Nerve Damage |
Oncology / cancer | 2. Retinitis Pigmentosa |
Oral and Maxillo surgery | 3. Macular Degeneration |
Orthopaedic (Knee/Hip) surgery | Other Applications 1. Diabetes |
Paediatric surgery | 2. Acute/Chronic kidney disease |
Physicians | 3. Acute/Chronic Liver disease |
Plastic & reconstructive surgery | 4. Acute/Chronic Lung disease |
Rehabilitation | 5. Muscular Dystrophy as DMD & SMA |
Renal | 6. Myocardial Infarction (MI) |
Respiratory medicine | 7. Hair Regeneration |
Urology | 8. Blood related cancer treatment |
Vascular surgery | 9. Anti-aging |
Dentisity |