optic nerve atrophy

Stem Cell Therapy: A Promising New Treatment Option for Retinitis Pigmentosa in Oman

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of hereditary diseases that affect the retina and photoreceptors that cause progressive constriction of the visual fields and ultimate blindness. In the past, there has not been much that could be done to cure RP since most therapies focused on treating its symptoms. RP treatment, however, has no cure or effective treatment yet, but stem cell therapy can totally change the face of RP treatment. Here’s why stem cell therapy is considered a superior option compared to current treatment methods.

Addressing the Root Cause

Conventional therapies

These have mainly been aimed at providing symptomatic relief in RP. This involves the use of vision magnifiers, optical devices, Vitamin A supplements or any other supplement that would assist the patient in the management of low vision, and changes in the daily routines as a result of the condition. However, none of these methods stop or reverse the actual decay of the retina, the chief cause of the condition.

Stem Cell Therapy

Unlike other approaches, stem cell therapy applies the treatment at the base of the RP disease, with the aim of replacing or repairing the affected retinal cells. The very origin of the disease is the degeneration of the photoreceptors and it is for this reason that this approach has the ability to replace the lost cells and introduce new, healthy retinal cells derived from the stem cells.

Potential for Regeneration

Conventional Therapies

The methods have very little or no regeneration capability. Therapies like retinal literal replacement or prosthesis only give a reasonable extent of vision back to the affected patients, but they do not replace or revive the impaired retinal tissues.

Stem Cell Therapy

This is the technique that potentially can replace the lost cells within the retina through stem cell application. For instance, using embryonic stem cells (ESCs), or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), functional retinal cells may be generated in place of RP-damaged ones. This regeneration strategy is supposed to be superior for the revitalization of the retina’s structure and function to the existing therapies.

Personalization of Treatment

Conventional Therapies

Current therapies can be very standardized, where drugs and protocols are the same for all patients regardless of the effects of genes and rate of disease progress.

Stem Cell Therapy

Compared to other methods of cell therapy, stem cell therapy and particularly the utilization of iPSCs are most individualized. It is less likely to carry unknown and unrelated disease genes thus making it more compatible for the patient and effective in treating the patient’s eye condition.

Long-Term Potential

Conventional Therapy

Almost all of the commonly administered conventional therapies only give short-term symptomatic improvement or even help to decrease the rate of deterioration but do not change the outcome of the disease process.

Stem Cell Therapy

This therapy can have the possibility of an extended lasting and even the reversal of the retinal abnormalities through stem cell therapy. As stem cell therapy is based on the stimulation of the mechanisms of the repair and the replacement of lost or degenerated cells, it might be much more effective in the long-term process of RP development.


Stem cell therapy for Retinitis pigmentosa in Oman offers an ascending avenue to explore innovative alternatives in treating retinitis pigmentosa. Advances in research and a growing body of therapies mean that stem cell therapy done at reputed clinics like Eyestemcellcenter is now considered the future treatment of RP.