Stem Cell Therapy India

Stem Cell Cure Pvt. Ltd., a reputable stem cell therapy provider in India, provides highly curative therapies for serious illnesses that often do not respond well to conventional medical approaches.

stem cell treatment Motor neurone

Motor Neuron Disease: Facts, Risk Factors, and Diagnosis

Motor neuron disease is one such dreadful condition which compels the brain and the spinal nerve cells lose its functioning. There was a time when there was a prevalent notion that this disease is incurable. The progression of this neurodegenerative disease can be curtailed now because of the advent of medical science and the emergence […]

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muscular dystrophy

Muscular Dystrophy -Stem Cell Therapy in India

It started with a study on young boys and their increasing weakness on the muscles by Sir Charles Bell. Muscular dystrophy is a group of primary skeletal muscle diseases caused by genetic factors.  Detection in early of muscle dystrophy surfaced 1830. The main clinical manifestations of the disease are slow progressive muscle atrophy, muscle weakness

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stem treatment autisum India

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism & its Success in India

Specialists have discovered that the sign and manifestations begin showing up at three years old which are described as feeble social communication and weakened verbal correspondence and overindulgence of repetitive behaviour. All the body functions are regulated by the neurons which are the foundation of the sensory system the neurons provide a sign to the

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