motor neuron

What is the cure for Motor Neuron Disease

Based in Delhi, India, Stem Cell Cure Pvt. Ltd. is a reputable leader in the field of stem cell therapy, offering potential cures for serious conditions that frequently reject traditional medical interventions. The organization, which is well-known for its specialized knowledge, focuses on providing excellent stem cell services that are specially designed for blood problems and serious degenerative diseases. By working together with renowned hospitals all throughout India, Stem Cell Cure Pvt. Ltd. guarantees the use of state-of-the-art treatments when it comes to stem cell therapy.

They provide a variety of state-of-the-art medical technologies, such as kits for bone marrow aspiration concentrate (BMAC), platelet-rich plasma (PRP), and stem cell banking. Carefully separated stem cells from bone marrow, placental, and adipose tissues are primarily intended for use in research or clinical studies.

Driven by a dedication to innovative research and exceptional stem cell-based therapies, the company provides hope to people facing terminal illnesses. Leading the way in providing more options for stem cell treatments in India is Stem Cell Cure Pvt. Ltd., which is committed to bringing innovative therapies in association with leading medical facilities.

A group of neurological disorders known as “motor neuron diseases” (MNDs) deteriorate over time and impact the nerve cells that transmit signals from the brain to muscles, so impairing the ability to move, speak, swallow, and breathe. The motor neurons in the lower and upper limbs are affected by these disorders, and these neurons are essential for controlling voluntary muscle contraction.

MND types include:

With 60–70% of cases, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the most common form of the illness. Both lower and higher motor neurons are impacted. About 20% of instances with PBP (progressive bulbar palsy) involve lower motor neurons in the brain stem that are responsible for speech and swallowing difficulties.

Progressive muscular atrophy (PMA) affects just the lower motor neurons in the spinal cord (10% of cases). Lower motor neurons are mostly affected by the rare condition known as primary lateral sclerosis, or PLS. Though it seldom results in death, it can occasionally cause ALS.

Researchers are using human stem cells to create lab dish models of motor neuron disorders in order to look into potential treatments.

Stem cell therapy has shown remarkable success in both recovering motor function and reducing the risk of further damage to brain cells when used to treat motor neuron disorder. When used in conjunction with rigorous therapy, this medicine effectively enhances motor function, slows the disease’s course, and may even increase life expectancy. Multiple sclerosis (MND) and other medical conditions can be expertly treated at Stem Cell Cure India, which has cutting-edge stem cell therapy facilities and a highly skilled team of physicians.

Additional care for you:

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): SCI is usually caused by a violent, unexpected blow to the spine, which frequently causes vertebral fractures or dislocations but does not cut off the spinal cord. The pressure from this injury may damage the axons, which are vital nerve cell extensions that carry signals from the brain to the body via the spinal cord.

Stem Cell Therapy for Motor Neuron Disease

Stem cell treatment for motor neuron disease have resulted in tremendous amount of success for regenerating motor abilities and reducing the risk of continuous damage to neural cells. Along with rigorous rehabilitation, this therapy is effective in slowing disease progression, improving motor functions and enhance life expectancy. At Stem Cell Cure India, we offer state of the art facilities for the Stem Cell Therapy and an excellent team of skilled doctors and other medical professionals providing a world class treatment for MND and other medical conditions.